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10 Meilleures Offres dragon quest xi s Au France
Meilleur choix
01Bandai NamcoDragon Quest XI S - Les Combattants de la Destinée - Édition Ultime (PS4)
20% de réductionFaits saillants principaux- Profitez du contenu incroyablement riche du jeu de base
- Plongez dans l'univers 16 bits de chronopolis - une zone de quêtes secondaires supplémentaires permettant de retourner dans les mondes passés de dragon quest, reconstitués dans un style retro
- Jouez comme vous le souhaitez, passez en mode 3D hd ou 2D 16 bits, avec la bande-son originale ou sa version orchestrale et des voix anglaises ou japonaises
- Accélérez les combats 2 ou 4 fois, chevauchez de nouveaux monstres et attaquez vos ennemis avec eux pour remporter des points d'expérience.
- 02Nintendo
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age (Definitive Edition) (Switch) - Import UK [video game]
Faits saillants principaux- The option for fully orchestrated field and battle tunes, and the ability to change between HD and retro-inspired 16-bit visuals.
- Perfectly balanced turn-based battles and an impressive scope of activities as you explore a massive, gorgeous world
- Ce jeu est une version importée, Il n'est pas garanti que le français soit disponible dans les options de jeu
- Bonus characters stories included in the Definitive Edition
Meilleure Valeur
03Square EnixDragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition
24% de réductionFaits saillants principaux- speed up battle by X2 and X4, ride new mountable monsters and attack with them on the field to earn experience points
- play as you want, Switch between 3D HD or 2D 16-bit modes, original soundtrack or Orchestral version of the music, and English or Japanese audio.
- dive into the 16-bit world of tickington - An additional side-quests area that see You journeying to past Dragon quest worlds reimagined in retro style.
- Spice up the adventure with new three draconian quest settings such as 'Super shypox', 'townsfolk talk tripe', or 'party wiped out if protagonist perishes'..immortalise your adventure with the Photo mode, pose each of the characters and snap some pictures with the beautifully designed world of erdrea in the background
- Enjoy the massive content of the base game plus new character-specific scenarios, which offer the possibility to learn more about some of your favourite companions.
- 04Square Enix
Dragon Quest XI S: Streiter des Schicksals - Definitive Edition (PS4)
Faits saillants principaux- SPIELE NACH DEINEM GESCHMACK, wechsle zwischen 3D-HD- und 2D-16-bit-Grafik
- Lausche dem originalen Soundtrack oder einer Orchestral-Version und spiele mit englischer oder japanischer Sprachausgabe
- LERNE DIE 16-BIT-WELT VON TICKLINGEN KENNEN - Reise mit zusätzlichen Nebenquests in altbekannte Welten der "DRAGON QUEST"-Reihe
- GENIESSE DIE UMFANGREICHEN INHALTE des Basisspiels sowie neue, charakterspezifische Szenarien
- 05Nintendo
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition forNintendo Switch
- 06Square Enix
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition for PlayStation 4
Faits saillants principaux- Unravel an Epic Mystery in a Riveting Tale – DRAGON QUEST XI tells the tale of a hunted hero: denigrated as a demon and pursued by a malicious monarch, you must embark on a quest to unravel the mystery of your fate and save a doomed world
- Personalize your Adventure – Customize your audio experience by selecting options for the original in-game soundtrack or a new orchestral version of the music, as well as English or Japanese voice audio
- Explore a Beautiful, Living World in 3D or 2D – Switch between 3D HD or 2D 16-bit modes to explore the massive, gorgeous world or Erdrea with excitement lurking around every corner
- Engage in Classic Battles with a Modern Twist – DRAGON QUEST XI’s strategic battle system eases players into combat with an accessible experience that features mechanics simple enough for the novice but with enough depth to satisfy hardcore fans
- Assemble a Colorful Cast of Loyal Companions – Accompanying the hero on his quest is an endearing band of adventurers; The Definitive Edition adds new story scenarios to learn more about some of your favorite companions
- 07Nintendo
DRAGON QUEST XI S: Streiter des Schicksals - Definitive Edition. Nintendo Switch
- 08Square Enix
Dragon Quest XI: Les Combattants de la destinée
Faits saillants principaux- SQUARE ENIX
- 81260
- 2 ans
- 09Square Enix
- 10Square Enix
Dragon Quest XI : Echoes of an Elusive Age pour Playstation 4
Faits saillants principaux- Playstation 4
- DLC bonus
- Couverture réversible avec des illustrations d'Akira toriyama