Avis sur la publicité
10 Meilleures Offres law firm Au France
Meilleur choix
01Free PressManaging The Professional Service Firm (English Edition)
- 02Transcendent Publishing
Law Firm Growth Accelerator: The Proven Framework for Multiplying Your Impact, Profit, and Freedom
- 03Independently published
Law Firm Growth Secrets: Contents May Incite You To Fire Your Agency
- 04Themis Solutions Inc.
The Client-Centered Law Firm: How to Succeed in an Experience-Driven World
Meilleure Valeur
05University of Chicago PressThe Firm, the Market, and the Law
23% de réduction- 06Rethink Press
Law Firm Growth Formula: How smart solicitors attract more of the right clients at the right price to grow their law firm quickly
- 07Lioncrest Publishing
Fireproof: A Five-Step Model to Take Your Law Firm from Unpredictable to Wildly Profitable
- 08Audible
Virtual Law Firm Secrets: How to Run Your Law Firm So It Doesn't Run You
- 09Different Middle Initial, LLC
Tiger Tactics CEO Edition: From ZERO to Law Firm CEO
- 10Scribe Publications
Servants of the Damned: giant law firms and the corruption of justice
16% de réduction