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10 Meilleures Offres six tome 2 Au France
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01DARGAUDSix - Tome 2 - Une montagne d or
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02Black Ink EditionsSIX, tome 2 : À nos coeurs tourmentés
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Six of Crows - Tome 2: La cité corrompue
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Atlas Six - Tome 2 Le paradoxe d'Atlas
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86 -Eighty six- T02
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Six versions - Tome 2 La tuerie McLeod
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Partners 2.0 - Tome 6
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Rainbow Six, tome 2
- 09Ubisoft
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (PS3) [Import UK, jeu en français]
Faits saillants principaux- Up to 16 players (360) and 14 players (PS3).Two-player split-screen mode.13 maps for co-op and adversarial play Including three maps from R6 Vegas, revamped maps from R6 Raven Shield and all-new maps.All-new co-op experience. Co-op story mode, Jump-in-jump-out mode and Co-op terrorist hunt..New adversarial modes:.Demolition - Attackers plant an explosive device at one of two predetermined locations and protect the bomb until it explodes.
- Terrorists Enemies have a wider variety of reactions and use ballistic shields.
- Terrorist Leaders are now a strategic target for Rainbow - leaders control respawns, so when you take out the leaders, enemies can no longer respawn.
- Team Rainbow Can use the Leap-frogging technique for safely approaching an area defended by an opposing force. Teammates cover each other successively when they move forward.
- Full PEC Experience: A greatly improved PEC experience - your character evolves online and offline, in both single-player and multiplayer modes.