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10 Meilleures Offres user story mapping Au France
Meilleur choix
01O'Reilly MediaUser Story Mapping
14% de réductionFaits saillants principaux- Understand how stories really work
- Starting with opportunities and moving deeper into discovery
- How they come to life in Agile and Lean projects
- Get a high-level w of story mapping, with an exercise to learn key concepts quickly
- Dive into a story’s lifecycle
- 02Independently published
Checklists for User Story Mapping workshops: Practical Moderator's Guide
- 03Dunod
Le story mapping : Visualisez vos user stories pour développer le bon produit (InfoPro)
Meilleure Valeur
04O'ReillyMapping Experiences: A Complete Guide to Customer Alignment Through Journeys, Blueprints, and Diagrams
22% de réduction- 05O'Reilly
User Story Mapping - Die Technik für besseres Nutzerverständnis in der agilen Produktentwicklung
- 065STARCooks
User Story Mapping A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition
- 075STARCooks
User Story Mapping Complete Self-Assessment Guide
User stories: 50 clés pour raconter les besoins utilisateurs
- 09Packt Publishing
User Experience Mapping: Enhance UX with User Story Map, Journey Map and Diagrams
- 10undefined
USER STORY MAPPING (English Edition)