Avis sur la publicité
10 Meilleures Offres what its like Au France
Meilleur choix
01Simon & SchusterWhat It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence
29% de réduction- 02Sourcebooks Landmark
Call It What You Want: A College Romance with a Nostalgic and Bittersweet Edge
- 03Penguin
Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity
What It is
Faits saillants principaux- Miguel's Happy Dance
- Lost In Space / Great Scott / 22-26
- Innerstellar Love
- I Love Louis Cole
- Black Qualls
Meilleure Valeur
05ZondervanWhat It Means to Be Protestant: The Case for an Always-Reforming Church
16% de réduction- 06Bantam
What Does it Feel Like?: Both joyful and heartbreaking, the bittersweet new novella from the No.1 bestselling author
- 07Princeton University Press
Ai Snake Oil: What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference
This Is What It Feels Like
Faits saillants principaux- New Store Stock
- 09Warner Music
What's Love Got to Do with It (2cd)
Faits saillants principaux- CD
- 10Warner Music
What's Love Got to Do with It (Coffret 4cd+DVD-30th Anniv.)
Faits saillants principaux- CD